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EASA Part 66 Question Banks

EASA Part 66 Question Banks

SKU 0350-EASAgray stars

Product Features

  • Publisher: Aircraft Technical Book Co.

This product is available for EASA based Part 147 schools only.
For further information on acquiring secured question banks for your school, please email: orders@actechbooks.com

Creating quality and compliant question banks is task assigned to every EASA based training organization. Question banks matching the content of your training material is vital to ensure students of a fair examination process and your school of its highest success rate. Why take on this tremendous and costly task yourself when ATB has already done it for you?

ATB offers to approved MTOs, CAA’s and MAA’s secured examination question banks matching ATB training material for the purpose of your final licensing exams when given on behalf of your competent authority.

Question Bank Description:
ATB question banks are available for all B1.1, B2, and Cat-A1 modules. Each is 4x (four times the questions required for each exam) including both multiple choice and essays.

All questions are arranged by module/submodule/section and to the learning levels prescribed in Part 66. All questions are written to EASA best standards: wording is succinct, negative wording and cultural terms are avoided. Most important; all questions are derived directly from the content of the ATB training material, thus providing applicants with a fair examination experience, and you with backup needed in the event of disputed answers.

Question banks are provided in both Word format for easy maintenance and in Excel for integration into most examination software packages.

Question Bank Security:
Question bank security is both an essential and required part of the examination process. The assurance of this is our top priority, both for you and for other schools depending on the continued viability of this question bank. Thus the following steps are taken prior to the delivery of question banks:

User Agreement: Among other things, the user agreement states your consent to the limited use of the question bank; solely for licensing exams. It must be signed by the school’s accountable manager and examination manager as identified in your MTOE. It must further be acknowledged by your CAA signifying their awareness that you have acquired the ATB question bank for this purpose.

Security Procedures: Your security procedures for handling licensing question bank is to be determined between you and your competent authority and becomes a normal portion of your school’s MTOE. For our records, a copy of those pages of your MTOE should be included along with your signed User Agreement.

Question banks are offered with a choice of payment options: At a lower one time fee; or at a higher amount, but with that entire amount to be credited towards future student book purchases from ATB, so in essence providing the matching question bank for free. In either case, it is a one time transaction. Continued maintenance of the banks per your CAAs requirement or to cover future updates of the training material will be up to you.

One exception pertains to the 2023-989 update requirements. At this time all QDBs are arranged based on the previous OSAC/FOCA standards. Updates to 2023-989 standards is underway with expected completion in 1st quarter 2025. Any MTO acquiring the QDBs from now until those updates are complete (estimated 1st quarter 2025) will additionally receive the updated product without further cost.

Further information:
Want to know more? A sample user agreement, sample questions, and an organizational matrix is available on request. Or if you just wish to discuss further, please write to orders@actechbooks.com.