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Automation Airmanship - Secure eBook
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Automation Airmanship - Secure eBook

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Product Features

  • ISBN: 9780071815864
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill
  • Author: Christopher Lutat and Ryan Swah
  • Edition: V004.2
  • Pages: 273
  • Look Inside: View
  • eBook Specifications

    • Type: Secure eBook (PDF)
    • Printing: Not Allowed
    • Copy/Paste: Not Allowed
    • Offline Access: Yes
    • Search: Yes
    • Bookmarks: Yes
    • Compatibility: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android

Automation Airmanship is the first practical guide that shows professional pilots how to safely transition to the automated flight deck.

Today's remarkable aircraft require remarkable airmanship skills. Automation Airmanship is a breakthrough book that helps pilots master these skills by introducing Nine Principles for Operating Glass Cockpit Aircraft. The nine principles were derived from over a decade of field work with organizations worldwide that have successfully transitioned to advanced aircraft fleets. Each principle provides a building block for a simplified, straightforward, and disciplined approach to operating increasingly complex aircraft safely and effectively in demanding operational environments.

Written by experienced airline captains who have trained others through the glass cockpit transition, this book presents ideas useful to both veteran glass cockpit pilots and those new to the twenty-first century flight deck. More than a simple list of skills, this powerful resource draws on real-life examples, providing the roadmap you need to successfully transition from steam to glass and maintain a performance edge for your entire career.

Topics include:
  • In-flight experience of experts.
  • Success stories and lessons learned from across the industry.
  • Real world accident investigations to underscore the importance of these principles.
  • Powerful tools to avoid errors or to resolve them when issues arise.
  • A guide to fundamentals of automated flight deck architecture.
  • Principles and practices for all phases of flight operations.

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Secured eBooks are offered through a system called Safeguard Viewer which makes protected eBooks easier to read and view. The Safeguard Viewer application is compatible with Windows, Android, macOS and iOS devices. Visit this LINK to get the Safeguard Viewer application. The Safeguard Viewer PDC files include all the familiar features found in standard PDFs. Our eBooks are authorized to use on up to six (6) supported devices. Your files are authorized to you and can be viewed online or offline. Secured PDCs may be used on any device that supports the Safeguard Viewer application The download process is three (3) easy steps:
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