Handling In-Flight Emergencies answers the question what to do if? A step by step "how to" book for handling various in-flight emergencies, ranging from elevator failure, in-flight fire, pilot illness, accidental entry into IFR conditions, how to make an emergency water landing, etc.
With luck, you'll never need this book. Without luck the skills and fundamentals presented here could save your day. And if not for anything else, reviewing these skills will give you a far greater awareness of how your plane works and what systems back can be used to back each other up, thus giving you far more confidence to enjoy flights and expand your personal envelope of flying comfort.
Topics Include:
From the Introduction:
A theme that runs through this book is that if emergency procedures are truly learned, and then practiced, they cease to be emergencies and simply become additional procedures. This is the goal of most of the better training facilities that teach pilots of airliners and corporate jets. When the light plane pilot is trained to the same standard, the risks associated with aviation shrink tremendously.