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Zenith 601XL Quickbuild Tips & Techniques - eVideo
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Zenith 601XL Quickbuild Tips & Techniques - eVideo

SKU 0723-HBH-EVgray stars
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Product Features

  • Publisher: Homebuilt Help
  • Author: Homebuilt Help
  • Time: 90 min.

Designed for the builder that wants to make best use of their time in completing the popular quick-build version of the 601XL aircraft kit. (A great aid to builders of the standard kit too!)

The 601XL quick-build aircraft was designed to provide maximum pre-assembly of kit parts to save the builder time. This video adds to that goal by showing construction procedures for components necessary to complete the aircraft. The amount of time saved by "learning through watching" is substantial and will pay for the price of the video many times over.

This presentation does not cover the complete assembly of the aircraft, but does provide an almost step-by-step demonstration for the following components:
  • Nose wheel fabrication and installation.
  • Main landing gear installation.
  • Wheels, tires and axles assembly.
  • Wing locker fabrication (option for the 601) .
  • Installation of the landing light into wing.
  • Attachment of rudder onto fuselage.

In addition, other topics are discussed - including strobe wiring inside the wing, fuel sender installation, cabin step installation, flap motor preparation and more.

Save MONEY - fewer errors in assembly means less parts are ruined. Everyone makes mistakes when building, drilling in the wrong places, parts cut or trimmed in the wrong way, performing tasks that are out of sequence and having to take things apart and do them over, etc. This video will save more than its price by preventing the accidental destruction of expensive kit components by allowing you to watch the building before attempting it yourself.

Build a BETTER LOOKING plane! Many of the cosmetic deficiencies in our projects are the result of building errors. It is not hard to imagine that obtaining a near perfect job is close to impossible when we attempt a procedure for the very first time. By watching someone else make the bend, drill the hole, cut the part - we have a much better chance of doing it right. The result is a better looking, safer aircraft.

Make your building experience more ENJOYABLE - Your investment in time is actually more important than the dollar value for the kit. Building a plane takes a long time and much of this time can be daunting - always wondering if it is being done right. Having to buy new components or starting over on an assembly that was performed in error is not a pleasant experience. By eliminating the guesswork, your time is more enjoyable as you eliminate many unknowns by watching someone else who has done it before.

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