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RV Rudder Workshop - eVideo
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RV Rudder Workshop - eVideo

SKU 0728-HBH-EVgray stars
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Product Features

  • Publisher: Homebuilt Help
  • Time: 95 min.

Demonstration of the tools and techniques used for AN solid rivet aircraft sheet metal work as demonstrated while building the rudder of an RV experimental aircraft.

The first section contains an overview and demonstration of the tools and techniques that are required for aircraft quality sheet metal work. Techniques shown include: dimpling, countersinking, de-burring, drilling, back riveting and pop riveting. A full discussion of the types of rivets that are used along with their characteristics is included in this first section. The tools for measuring proper rivet setting (rivet gauges) are shown and demonstrated. Some of the tools that are featured include: hand squeezer, pneumatic rivet gun, flush and universal rivet sets, dimple dies, back rivet sets, scotch-brite polishing wheel and de-burring tools. This first section of the video is the important background into proper building methods that are universal for building an RV type aircraft.

The second section uses all of the techniques covered in the first to build the rudder for an RV7. The challenges, skills and techniques needed to build a rudder are same ones required to complete the rest of the plane. It provides a realistic view into just what it takes to complete an RV kit plane. It is an excellent way to see what tools are needed and how to use them in a practical environment.

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