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Aircraft Safety - Secure eBook
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Aircraft Safety - Secure eBook

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Product Features

  • ISBN: 9780071409742
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill
  • Author: Shari Stanford Krause
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Pages: 483
  • Look Inside: View
  • eBook Specifications

    • Type: Secure eBook (PDF)
    • Printing: Not Allowed
    • Copy/Paste: Not Allowed
    • Offline Access: Yes
    • Search: Yes
    • Bookmarks: Yes
    • Compatibility: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android

What Do We Learn When An Airplane Crashes?

Taken from exhaustive flight safety investigations -- this updated book examines more than 40 accidents/incidents involving airline and general aviation flights. By thoroughly dissecting what happened and why, aviation safety expert Shari Stamford Krause offers tremendous insights and techniques for pilots, air traffic controllers, and managers alike.

Designed for pilots of all ratings, aerospace enthusiasts, and aviation professionals, this exhaustively researched reference presents detailed analyses of major airline, regional, and general aviation accidents. You get the perspectives of pilots, crewmembers, and air traffic controllers -- as well as NTSB findings and excerpts from flight recordings that reveal how crewmembers and other key players performed under extreme stress. With a wealth of new content, this revised edition covers cockpit resource management, pilot judgment and decision-making, and spatial disorientation and runway incursions.

Each part of this book details several different accidents or incidents, using illustrations and diagrams to give you a clear understanding of what happened. Krause reviews the lessons of each incident and their applications to the field.

Learn from these probable causes:

  • Human Factors
  • Runway Incursions
  • Weather
  • Mid-Air Collisions
  • Mechanical Failure

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Secured eBooks are offered through a system called Safeguard Viewer which makes protected eBooks easier to read and view. The Safeguard Viewer application is compatible with Windows, Android, macOS and iOS devices. Visit this LINK to get the Safeguard Viewer application. The Safeguard Viewer PDC files include all the familiar features found in standard PDFs. Our eBooks are authorized to use on up to six (6) supported devices. Your files are authorized to you and can be viewed online or offline. Secured PDCs may be used on any device that supports the Safeguard Viewer application The download process is three (3) easy steps:
  1. Install the Safeguard Viewer application found in your second email from licensing@actechbooks.com
  2. Download your license from that same second email. Note: A license is only needed once, if you lost your license, or change emails address, send us your email and order number and we will resend your license to download right away. Also, you will need to be online the first time you open your eBook, so your license can be authorized.)
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