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Boeing 747-8F General Familiarization - Trans Global Training
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Boeing 747-8F General Familiarization - Trans Global Training

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Product Features

  • Publisher: Trans Global Training
  • Time: Self-Paced: +/- 40 hours

General Familiarization
Course Preview (Not Actual Course)

This General Familiarization course is an overview of the Boeing 747-8F (freighter only) with GEnx engines as outlined in the systems description section of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. It is a great tool for the training of new AMTs in base and line operations, for review, and for interview preparation by those seeking employment.

This self-paced course provides a complete technical overview of each system, including component location, operation, and maintenance needs, plus all cockpit and remote interfaces. Click below on "Detailed Course Description" for a full table of contents.

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Identify safety precautions related to the airframe, systems, and the powerplant of the Boeing 747-8F.
  • Understand the functionality and maintenance requirements of the core aircraft systems including electrical, hydraulic, avionics, etc.
  • Recognize critical maintenance practices for airworthiness compliance.
  • Define the layout of major 747-8F systems and their operational characteristics.
  • Apply knowledge of specialized tooling and test equipment for maintenance operations.

Trans Global Training General Familiarization courses are produced for ATA 104 and EASA Part 66 Level 1+. Each is a PowerPoint-type presentation divided into ATA sections. A chapter quiz following each section allows you to proceed to the next. With your successful completion of all chapters, a serial numbered certificate is issued in your name.

On average, the course duration is 40 hours, however, this will vary based on your experience and study habits. From the time you begin, you will have 1 year to complete and review the course.

Shortly after your purchase, you will receive 2 emails; The first from ATB will be your receipt. The second from Trans Global Training will be your login credentials. If these do not appear within moments of placing your order. Please check your spam files or call us for assistance.

IA Renewal Credit:

This course qualifies for 8 hours of IA Renewal Credit. If you hold Inspection Authorization (IA), this course serves as the entirety of your annual continued training requirements. Upon your successful completion, ATB will authorize this credit through the FAA and a printable IA certificate of accomplishment will be made available at FAAsafety.gov

FAAST AMT Award Points:

In addition, this course qualifies for 40 FAA FAAST AMT Award Points, which will be issued upon your successful completion. To receive this award, you must have an account with FAAST. If you are not yet a FAAST member, your free registration can be found at FAAsafety.gov/login/reg/register

For Training Managers:

Self-paced training is a great option for your continued and recurrent needs. It is economical, efficient, and allows your team to proceed on their own or during their “down times”, thus without the need to pull them away from the job. Contact us to discuss ways to integrate this method into your training programs.

    ATA 00 - General Description
    • Overview of the Boeing 747-8F General Familiarization syllabus, including the aircraft’s advanced design, operational enhancements, and key differences from earlier models.
    ATA 21 - Air Conditioning
    • Cabin air distribution, pressurization control, and air conditioning systems for passenger comfort and cargo cooling
    ATA 22 - Autoflight
    • light management and autopilot systems, including redundancy, mode selection, and integration with avionics
    ATA 23 - Communication
    • Overview of VHF, HF, and SATCOM systems, cockpit communication features, and data link capabilities.
    ATA 24 - Electrical Power
    • Detailed description of AC/DC power generation, integrated drive generators (IDGs), and emergency power systems.
    <ATA 27 - Flight Controls
    • Fly-by-wire systems for primary and secondary flight controls, including control surface actuation and manual override functions.
    ATA 28 - Fuel System
    • Fuel storage, transfer, and quantity indication systems for efficient and safe operations.
    ATA 29 – Hydraulic Power
    • Hydraulic power distribution for flight controls, landing gear, and braking systems.
ATA 31 - Indicating and Recording Systems
  • Integrated modular avionics (IMA), cockpit displays, and engine monitoring systems.
ATA 32 - Landing Gear
  • Overview of landing gear systems, including extension/retraction mechanisms, steering, and braking systems.
ATA 33 - Lighting System
  • Aircraft lighting systems, including navigation, anti-collision, and emergency lighting configurations.
ATA 35 - Oxygen
  • Overview of oxygen supply systems for crew and passengers, including emergency masks and regulators.
ATA 36 - Pneumatic
  • Pneumatic power for cabin pressurization, anti-icing, and air conditioning systems.
ATA 49 - Auxiliary Power Unit
  • APU operations for ground power and emergency backup during flight.
ATA 71-80 - Powerplant
  • Detailed familiarization with GEnx engines, including thrust ratings, controls, and maintenance requirements.

This course is an interactive General Familiarization developed by Trans Global Training. You are purchasing a license to use this course for a period of (1) one year. During this time you may use and review the course from any internet-connected device by logging in with the username and password which will be auto-generated when you complete your purchase.

Shortly after your purchase, you will receive 2 emails; The first from ATB will be your receipt. The second from Trans Global Training will be your login credentials. If these do not appear within moments of placing your order, please check your spam folder. Please keep these emails in a safe place for future reference.


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