Designed as a technical reference for all pilots who operate under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) in the National Airspace System (NAS), the Instrument Procedures Handbook expands and updates information contained in the Instrument Flying Handbook and introduces advanced information for IFR operations. This handbook provides real-world guidance on how instrument-rated pilots can best use the system they've trained for, as well as in depth coverage of instrument charts and procedures for IFR takeoff, departure, enroute, arrival, approach and landing.
This book explores Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT), Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS), LNAV/VNAV and circling minimums, Head-Up Display (HUD) and Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems (SVS/EVS). The NextGen System is covered including ADS-B, SWIM, data and network communications systems and a "forecast" of NextGen planned improvements. Also included are pertinent issues related to the development, limitations and utilization of airborne navigation databases in use today and for future use in an ever-modernizing national airspace system.
Topics Include:
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