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CF6-80 Engine for 747-400 General Familiarization - Secure eBook - AeroEd
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CF6-80 Engine for 747-400 General Familiarization - Secure eBook - AeroEd

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Product Features

  • ISBN: 9781951275426
  • Publisher: AeroEd
  • Author: Steve Oebermann
  • Edition: V004.2
  • Pages: 635
  • Look Inside: View
  • eBook Specifications

    • Type: Secure eBook (PDC)
    • Printing: Yes, Limited; Two Print Sessions
    • Copy/Paste: Not Allowed
    • Offline Access: Yes
    • Search: Yes
    • Bookmarks: Yes
    • Compatibility: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android


This is a General Familiarization self-study manual for CF6-80 engine installations in the Boeing 747-400.

General Familiarization Manuals are a general overview of each model aircraft. They are great tools for review, new hires, prerequisite training, and preparations for systems-level classes. These self-study manuals are an economical approach benefiting students, technicians, instructors, MRO training departments, and airline maintenance departments alike.

This manual covers the 747-400 engine systems for the CF6-80 including description and operation, controls and indications, component locations, and servicing based on ATA 100 format and ATA 104 Level requirements. .

Sections Covered Include:

  • ATA 24 - Electrical Power Systems
  • ATA 36 - Pneumatic Control Systems
  • ATA 71-80 – GE CF6-80C2 (with FADEC) systems

For any questions about the manuals please call 1.970.726.5111 or email techsupport@actechbooks.com For more information on the Certification Course please visit the following website www.aeroed.com.

How To Get And Use Your Secure eBook with Safeguard Viewer

Secured eBooks are offered through a system called Safeguard Viewer which makes protected eBooks easier to read and view. The Safeguard Viewer application is compatible with Windows, Android, macOS and iOS devices. Visit this LINK to get the Safeguard Viewer application. The Safeguard Viewer PDC files include all the familiar features found in standard PDFs. Our eBooks are authorized to use on up to six (6) supported devices. Your files are authorized to you and can be viewed online or offline. Secured PDCs may be used on any device that supports the Safeguard Viewer application The download process is three (3) easy steps:
  1. Install the Safeguard Viewer application found in your second email from licensing@actechbooks.com
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Average rating:
average rating 93%
3 reviews

Featured positive reviews:

average rating 100%
CF6-80 Gen fam 09/27/2021
By Sunshine Radford
Great supplemental book for an additional engine type to a general familiarization course. So glad you had this for us to be able to meet the training needs of our customer requirements.

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