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Unmanned Aerial Systems  The Definitive Guide - Secure eBook
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Unmanned Aerial Systems The Definitive Guide - Secure eBook

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Product Features

  • ISBN: 9781941144435
  • Publisher: Aircraft Technical Book Co.
  • Author: Michael Leasure
  • Pages: 298
  • Look Inside: View
  • eBook Specifications

    • Type: Secure eBook (PDF)
    • Printing: Yes, Limited; One Print Session
    • Copy/Paste: Not Allowed
    • Offline Access: Yes
    • Search: Yes
    • Bookmarks: Yes
    • Compatibility: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android

Unmanned Aerial Systems - The Definitive Guide is a comprehensive textbook (with workbook included) for training and license preparation of FAR Part 107 for unmanned aerial vehicles. These vehicles share many commonalities with manned aircraft but have unique characteristics that require knowledge and skill to operate safely. From weather, regulations, autonomous flight, payload integration, as well as aircraft structures, this text will guide the professional remote pilot in the operation and repair of unmanned aircraft. The chapters of this book include all relevant segments of the science of aviation so that a thorough understanding of the aircraft and its operating environment is achieved.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has established the subject areas that are deemed relevant to the testing and licensing of the remote pilot. This book not only provides the necessary knowledge to pass the FAA Part 107 exam in those subject areas but in most cases answers the "why" behind the question and appropriate answer.

Michael Leasure of Purdue University provides a comprehensive practical knowledge base on all aspects of UAS. Professor Leasure's approach to the field and comprehensive coverage of difficult to understand concepts is key in guiding you to a successful career in this emerging aviation segment. Unlike other books that treat UAS as radio control toys, this book provides you with the knowledge that you will need to tackle this field professionally.

Chapters Include:

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design and Construction
  • Aircraft Structures, Materials and Repair
  • Electricity, Electrical, Communications and Navigation Systems
  • Powerplant Theory and Operation
  • Flight Control
  • Sensors and Payloads
  • Airspace Operations
  • Flight Operations
  • Regulations
  • Future Trends and Technology

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