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Digital Techniques / Electronic Instrument Systems: Module 5 (Cat-A) - RedShelf Online

Digital Techniques / Electronic Instrument Systems: Module 5 (Cat-A) - RedShelf Online

SKU 0308-CATA-Rgray stars
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Product Features

  • ISBN: 9781951275617
  • Publisher: Aircraft Technical Book Co.
  • Author: Jim Wasson
  • Edition: 003
  • Pages: 70
  • Look Inside: View
  • Online eBook Specifications

    • Type: RedShelf Online eBook/li>
    • Printing: Not Allowed
    • Copy/Paste: Not Allowed
    • Offline Access: No
    • Search: Yes
    • Bookmarked: Yes
    • Compatibility: Modern Web Browser

Digital Techniques / Electronic Instrument Systems (Module 5) strictly matches the requirements of Part 66 Amendment 2023-989 including its content, sequence, and the required learning levels (L1, or 2) needed for an approved CAT-A maintenance technician program, and is so approved by many national authorities as a part of the training programs of Part 147 schools within their jurisdiction.

As prescribed in Part 66 Appendix 1, the topics are divided in 5 sections:

  • Electronic Instrument Systems (L1)
  • Basic Computer Structure (L1)
  • Electronic Displays (L1)
  • Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (L1)
  • Typical Electronic/Digital Aircraft Systems (L1)

Complete table of contents is included with the Look Inside link above.

Each topic is explained with understandable text and exceptional full color illustrations in a step-by-step detail. You will learn by understanding concepts and how and why each skill is useful in the day-to-day tasks of the aircraft technician in the aviation maintenance environment.

Instructor Services:
For schools considering the adoption of ATB modules as your primary student notes, we offer various additional services including projectable image banks, examination question databases, and generous additional support for instructors and your requirements for competent authorities.

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